Monday, August 20, 2012

We have arrived!

Yes, we have said that several times over the last few weeks, but this time we really mean it...we arrived in Kijabe on Friday afternoon and are beginning to settle in.  It is quite a beautiful place and we have been welcomed with open arms. :) 

Immediately after arriving - a long day, but happy to reach our home . :)

We are in the left side of this duplex.
These are the "welcome signs" for the Kijabe institutions (not including Rift Valley Academy, where the kids will be in school).  I was giving a walking tour of the small market, dukas (stores), and surroundings by Hellen, a delightful Kenyan woman who works in the housing office at the hospital.

I have to get an East African bird book!  I took this from the dining area.

I think these are verbena growing along the walkway to the house.

Poinsettas grow everywhere - you really can keep them alive after the Christmas holidays! ;)
The flowers in the various yards are amazing and lush!
I took this from the RVA campus, which is "up the hill' from the hospital.  This kids will be in great shape from walking the hill daily!!

I took this down closer to the hospital - the peak in the center is Longonot and the one to the right is Kijabe Hill.

 Internet has not been as easy here, but we are figuring it out - so I am finally posting! :)  I had intended to tell you about the last few days but, alas, it is late here and will have to wait.  If we have indeed figured out this internet, I will follow through tomorrow!

We are so happy to be back "in touch" with you all! :)

Psalm 19:1-6


  1. Welcome home sweet home! Emily looks the happiest to be settling in...I noticed the "Oriole" name on the duplex - I wonder if that bird is one, too - do they have them in Kenya, too? Off to google...Yep! Looking forward to hearing more...


  2. P.S. Here's a link, but it may not be as handy what with the Internet difficulties you're been having?

  3. So glad you are getting settled. I am so excited about following you guys on this amazing journey!!

  4. What a wonderful feeling to finally be "home"! Praying for you all as you make the final transition and get used to the new surroundings. Hugs, Gretchen

  5. I know you are glad to finally be home and be able to say "Home again home again jiggity jog" Thanks for always carrying us along for the ride. Praying for good settle in time this week.
    In HIS Grip,
    Forest for all of the Pagetts

  6. Welcome home to Kijabe! Praying for you all. :)
