Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Itsy Bitsy Bug

Have you ever gone to a new place or started a new job/school/position and experienced a roller coaster of emotions from experience to experience or day-to-day or even minute-to-minute?  I have certainly done that in the past in a variety of circumstances, but this move takes the cake.  It isn't always a bad thing - the "highs" can be exhilarating, but the "lows" can be pretty low.

I was watching a moth/mayfly type bug in the shower a couple of days ago (stay with me here - I will connect the dots.), and it was flying upwards next to the curtain towards the light.  It kept slipping down, and then trying to fly up again...sort of like the Itsy Bitsy Spider.  I noticed a similar bug this morning while in class - it would fly up toward the light, then seemingly slip down 2,3, or 4 feet.  It seemed to catch itself in midair, and then attempted to fly up again.  Here is said bug:

So, I started thinking about it (really, I was paying attention to the topic of the class too!), and I decided that I have been a lot like this "Itsy Bitsy Bug" lately.  I strive to reach the happy, comfortable places, only to slip repeatedly to various depths.  The cause of the slip can be inconsequential!  For instance, when we learned that we didn't all have to share one dorm room for 3 weeks...I climbed; then visited the bathroom...slip!  Figured out how to do laundry...going higher; electricity went out in the shower...slip!  Grocery store is really different than home/can't find what I hoped for...slip, slip; find the wonderful market in town....climbing, climbing!  And it goes on and on.

Washing machines

Why can't I be more steady?  Well, I focus on myself and lose sight of my purpose (God has given me a job for this time, and I seek to bring Him the glory and honor that He is worthy of); I forget that He is ultimately in control and loves me; sometimes I just don't want to surrender to Him but want to do what I want to do and be comfortable.  During our devotion time this morning, we sang I Surrender All.  Here is the first stanza:

All to Jesus, I surrender;               
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.

I struggled with the second line, because I realized that I was not freely giving Him my all-yes, I came to Africa, but I have not always had a good attitude!  I found encouragement in Psalm 139 (copied below).  There is no where that we can go where He is not with us, leading us, and watching over us!  He, the God of the universe,  is with me - why should I be discouraged?

 I am including some photos of our afternoon adventure - a trip to Machakos town in teams to talk to people and learn about their culture.  

Here is our team - our new friends the Daubenmiers, with 3 of their 7 kids.

The "youth team" in front of the restaurant they ate lunch in.  Ted learned that if you order things with unknown words, you may end up with intestines! (No, he didn't eat that.)

This all purpose "medicine" was in the grocery store, not the chemist.  The pharmacies are called chemists here.  We stopped into one to inquire about probiotics (they do not have them), and met Eric a young chemist from Machakos.  He went to University to study pharmacy, is now in his 9th of 12 months of community internship, and then will move into his permanent job in Machakos hospital.  He did sell us 20 tablets of Cipro to have "just in case," for about $2.50, and gave us a lesson in telling time in Kiswahili.  I would have loved to post his photo, but am still trying to figure out when it is okay to ask for a photo.
The woman in the center wanted to have Rick for a husband!  You'll have to ask us about that one later. ;)

We rode home in this Tut-tut.  Seemed a little sketchy at first, but it is actually a great form of transportation.  Emily loved it - it felt like a fair ride!

Our team won the prize of Snickers bars for having the best story to tell-the Marriage Proposal story. :)

Finally, here is a photo of my dinner.

Psalm 139: 1-10, 23-24
O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
    you discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down
    and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue,
    behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.
You hem me in, behind and before,
    and lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
    it is high; I cannot attain it.
Where shall I go from your Spirit?
    Or where shall I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
     If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
If I take the wings of the morning
    and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10 even there your hand shall lead me,
    and your right hand shall hold me.
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart!
     Try me and know my thoughts![c]
24 And see if there be any grievous way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting![d]


  1. Sarah -

    It is hard to not think in the here and now as we encounter life's bumps in the road. As believers we have the opportunity to look at things from an eternal perspective. I too think I should be more full of that "peace that surpasses".

    You are good at this writing thing Sarah - keep up the good work.


  2. Loved hearing about your visit to the chemist and receiving some preventative antibiotic - interesting! That "medicine" sold in the grocery store is too funny with its title.."Rise Up and Walk"!

    Hermione loved hearing about the other kids loving to touch Emily's hair because it is so soft and blond. She also wondered why Emily didn't get sick like her older siblings from the anti-malaria meds - what a rough start to your adventure! She is at New Life Camp this week and I know the Trinity cabin-mates are missing Emily This summer.

    That Snickers bar must have been such a yummy appetizer, what with the dinner you ate. I hope you all aren't starving...keep up the entertaining writing, Sarah. And keep taking pictures, too! Hang in there, little itsy bitsy bug.


  3. I love reading your blog. It is incredibly encouraging and brings perspective in my life.

    We are all striving for the next step up and feel inadequate or missing something if we miss a step, fall short or take steps back.

    We are a people of 'now' and 'more' and seeing where you are with the people you are with and the smiles on your families faces and the peoples faces that live there show the joy's of not being so aggressive for the next big thing. & instead of being distracted with ourselves and wants we can find joy in our quiet not moving up moments.
    Those insufficient moments are His moments to be Sufficient for us, our empty helpless moments to be our fullness and hope. And those slips to be our Father and carry us- those moments He fills. Those moments it seems He just wants us to 'Be still and know- He is God'
    He is so good to us.

  4. I am enjoying your blog very much. I miss talking with you but I am excited for you and your family. I love your itsy bitsy bug story. I have been struggling like that also on a daily basis. I just seem to keep slipping when I should be reaching to God for all the answers and directions. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I am inspired by you and your obedience and committment to God.
