Sunday, September 30, 2012

Quotable quotes.....

Rick and I borrowed a car on Friday and drove into Nairobi to pick up a used refrigerator that we bought from someone in the British Air Force.  Rick drove into town, while I navigated using the oh-so-valuable iphone Maps app.  Many areas do not have street signs, and most of those are probably not the best places to get out and ask directions!  I was amused that sprinkled all over that section of Nairobi on Maps were little lines labeled "Dirt Road" and "Foot path!" 

Quotes from the drive in:

"Is this a one way road?"
"Oh, yes, it is!!"    

"Turn right after that shop....don't hit the donkey!"

I actually drove home from Nairobi - my first time driving on a road in Kenya, my first time driving in almost 3 months, my first time ever driving on the wrong side of the road/right hand steering wheel, and my first time driving a manual transmission (with the left hand, no less!) in several years.  Oh, and with a big refrigerator in the back.  It was fun....for me.  You'll have to ask Rick yourself!  Actually, we laughed a lot - here are a few quotable quotes from the drive home:

"Drifting, drifting..... "

"Was that a speed bump?"

"What is the purpose of rumble strips in Kenya?!  You can't tell them apart from all the potholes!"

"I AM on the road - no, I am not on the shoulder - it is paved!"

"Can you keep that fridge from bouncing?"

"Should I err on the side of hitting that truck in my lane or running off the side of the road?"

And, the loudest thing Rick said on the way home was his silence - lol!! ;)

We ended up on this new bypass after a wrong turn - this is, by far, the nicest road I have been on or seen in Kenya.  In fact, it may be the first guard rail that I have seen....

This tree has been trimmed (I think) to look 2D - very cool!

In the US, the word "processed" is synonymous with unhealthy, but I guess here it is a plus.

Rick found this one - can potato chips be soft and crispy at the same time?
Definitely the most fun flavor of potato chip that I have ever seen!

Would you buy this game for your child?  He looks so bored, that he is almost comatose!!

I didn't buy the Ufos with chocolate beans, but they looked interesting.  Cookies and crackers are both called biscuits here - biskuti in Kiswahili.

Not that I plan on getting any, actually....
The hot dogs and buns are long and skinny here.
Here is a pretty little path through a garden area in the yard. :)

Proverbs 17:22



  1. Wow! I am proud of you for being adventurous enough for taking the wheel - with a manual transmission AND on the "wrong" side of the road. An experience you'll never forget...and I hope Rick's head didn't develop a few more gray hairs!

    Soft and crispy potato chips - now, that's an oxymoron! I also got amused by the "processed" word following right after "fancy"...hmmmmm. The picture of the board game is priceless...even his sister looks like she fell asleep!

    Loved the picture of your 3 enjoying their "American" treats in your earlier post - especially the one of Emily hugging her box of Wheat Thins!

    Enjoy the "new" fridge - I am sure it will help make your new house feel more like a home. And get some UFO cookies/biscuits to stock in the pantry - they look too cute.

    Keep up the great work blogging...

  2. I can only imagine driving there. When we were in India in a car all I wanted to do was close my eyes and hope we made it to our destination. I am proud of you Sarah for even attempting to drive!! We have all enjoyed all your updates and especially the photos so we feel as though we are on your journey too.

    We love and miss you,

    Amy Puthenveetil
